Monday, May 16, 2016


We were happy to be discharged from the hospital April 22 and on to another journey on the road to Kevins recovery. We feel blessed to be accepted into the 'Rehab Without Walls ' program here in Utah. This is an intense neur-rehab program not available at all in Idaho. Our Physical therapist, Occupational therapist and Speech therapist all come into the home throughout the week with aggressive and varied treatment. Each is excellent and provides special skills and expertise in neuro-rehabilitation. I do not think Kevin's recovery could be in better hands. We continue to feel most grateful and humble to be recipients of so many united in prayer. We surely feel those prayers. Kevin is working so very hard and making gains daily. Often a therapist asks him if he needs a break. A 'No!' with a smile is almost always the answer. They comment that just doesn't happen with other clients. The therapists also provide us with a variety of many exercises and activities during off therapy time. Recovery is a full time job. There have been tender mercies all around us. Tender mercies at the hands of family, friends, those in the ward we attend here who have so warmly welcomed us, strangers in stores/ restaurants/games and programs we get to attend to watch grandchildren. Dear friends and family are taking care of the upkeep on our home and yard. We pray for special blessings on these angels daily! We know that through much united faith and prayer, priesthood blessings, lots of hard work and determination, the Lord will bless us with a remarkable recovery.

-Cindy Miyasaki and family

Hospital scripture study. 
Our oasis in the hospital where we would read, watch conference and Mormon channel videos.
Last day in the hospital OT session.
Sunk a ball on the second shot!
Push! Pull! 
Passive exercise on that right affected side. 
Getting more movement in the right arm, hand and fingers. 
Nice shot of Kevin mini golfing and Nicole's baby tummy.
My kids are having so much fun having Bampa near! 
They love getting involved in the therapies, reading with him,
 having him come to their special events and lots and lots of snuggles!

1 comment:

  1. We love you guys and miss you here at BYU-Idaho!! Thanks for the great example!! Love, Tori Jones
